... again and again newly accompanied
seminars authors / publisher


Claudia Ehrenpreis, Ulrike Wohlwender                                  

1 2 3 KLAVIER – Pianoschool for 2-8 hands  (in German)
for individual lessons as well as teaching in groups:
children's songs - sound stories - folk songs - characteristic pieces -
improvisations - dances - boogies - with many accompaniments for choice ... 
  • Volume 1  (incl. CD to Vol.1 and 2)
  • Teacher's Commentary 1
  • Volume 2
  • Teacher's Commentary 2
  • CD to Vol.1 and 2 
Illustrations from Julia Ginsbach
Breitkopf & Härtel 1995 / 1997 / 2000


»» in Corean
1 2 3 Klavier_ koreanisch

Eumag Chunchu Publishing Co, Seoul 2006


1 2 3 KLAVIER Spielheft 1

honoured with the "German Music Edition Award 1996"
  • soundful, musical characteristic songs and pieces,
    in easily comprehensive compositoric structures
  • for individual lessons as well as teaching groups
  • child-orientated voice-register, rythmic and harmonic variety
  • numerous tasks of variation and improvisation
  • playing songs by ear and song accompaniment
  • animating and colourfuI illustrations
  • EB 8619a, 20,90 €  (incl. CD with booklet)
"Here piano playing is a tonal experience from the  beginning."
Üben & Musizieren

"There might be no better way for the beginning."
Wolters - Handbuch der Klavierliteratur

"From the beginning you'll play with both hands simultaneously."
1 2 3 KLAVIER Spielheft 2
  • soundful character pieces, songs, dances, boogies in wide stilistic variety
  • major, minor, modal-scales, whole-tone-scale, blues-scale, various rhythms
  • more complex, but easily comprehensive compositoric structures
  • numerous tasks of variation and improvisation
  • differentiated song accompaniment
  • animating and colourful illustrations
  • EB 8620, 16,90 € (CD is included in Vol.1)
"The offer regarding the contents is determined of an up-to-date demand for varied songs, dances, pieces with traditional and modern structures and it opens the emotional access in a congenial way and easy to follow. (...)
A high level of musical independance is  aspired explicitely."
Musik in der Schule
CD to Vol.1 and 2

  • all 79 pieces on one CD
  • ... to become acquainted with
  • ... for pointed hearing and comparison
  • ... for play-along
  • with detailed booklet
  • CD is included with Vol.1 and separate available
  • 6508619, 14,90 €
1 2 3 KLAVIER CD mit Booklet
1 2 3 KLAVIER Lehrerkommentar 1
Teacher's Commentary 1

  • "topic pictures" to all pieces
  • learning by making music in individual, partner or group lessons
  • playful, creative and multi-channeling learning
  • systematic introduction to the methods of teaching in groups
  • explanation of the conception of Vol.1
  • copy models for "musical patterns"
  • BV 298, 21.- €
"Indispensable is the inclusion of the separate teacher's commentary in which every individual "topic picture", i.e. each turned-up page is described in regard to didactic questions. (...) In this way an integral experience of music is given."
Wolters - Handbuch der Klavierliteratur

"So, the teacher's commentary includes an excellent basic chapter about conditions and ways of teaching piano in groups."
Ulrich Mahlert - Musik im Diskurs

"The teacher's commentary proves the wide spectrum of didactic approaches and should absolutely be included."
Schweizer Musikzeitung
1 2 3 KLAVIER Lehrerkommentar 2
Teacher's Commentary 2

  • "topic pictures" for all pieces
  • learning by making music in individual and partner lessons
  • playful, creative and multi-channeling learning
  • systematic introduction to the methods of teaching partners
  • explanation of the conception of Vol.2
  • copy models for "musical patterns"
  • BV 299, 21.- €

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